The future of the Tourist Information Center

Together with Kennisnetwerk Destinatie Nederland our tourism expert Bernadett Papp has worked on a project about The Tourist Information Center (TIC) of the future. During an annual event from ECM, Bernadett and Albert Postma will lead a workshop in Girona, Spain with the aim to review the future of TICs. The workshop is part of a two day expert meeting.

Strategic planning process for TICs

During the workshop various experts are encouraged to engage in a collaborative thinking process to exchange viewpoints. Discussions around the way travel and tourism may restart and evolve once travel restrictions are lifted will be one of the discussion points. The aimed outcome of this workshop is an action plan which can help TICs in their strategic planning process. The event is organised by the European Cities Marketing.

Join this years expert meeting to meet other experts, share your knowledge and grow your professional expertise.

Location & times

28 Oct 2021 om 09:00 uur.

00:00 uur.

Ask your question to Bernadett

Bernadett can help you with strategic destination management.